Uw zoekterm heeft 267 resultaten opgeleverd:
Pages and news
De chauffeurs bij Claessens gaan op pad met Lisa Truck
Onlangs werd voor het eerst onze Lisa Truck applicatie succesvol geïmplementeerd bij onze klant Groothandel Claessens. De tablets waarop de app staat, werden gemonteerd in de vrachtwagens. Na een testweek, gingen de chauffeurs…
Progress Update nodig wegens risico op hacking
Situatieschets Onze LISA applicatie is gebouwd met componenten van Progress Software. Die componenten worden door onze CCE-consultants van bij de start van een project zo veilig mogelijk opgezet zodat ze in principe niet…
Geef hackers geen kans
Het voornaamste doel van een SSL-certificaat is ervoor te zorgen dat de data die verzonden wordt tussen de gebruiker en de webserver versleuteld is, en beschermd wordt tegen dreigingen zoals hackers, phishing en…
Elektronische facturatie verplicht voor b2b
Op 20 februari 2024 is de regeling omtrent de verplichte elektronische facturatie met inwerkingtreding 1 januari 2026 gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad. Het initiatief komt van minister van Financiën Vincent Van Peteghem, die…
Anda Sauzen
Vandaag staat de derde generatie Vandenwyngaert mee aan het roer bij Anda NV. De noodzaak voor digitalisering werd sterk gevoeld door de jongere leden van de familie. De uitstekende reputatie van CLAERHOUT COMPUTER…
Het ERP-pakket met de meeste functionaliteiten voor de voedingssector
Claerhout Computer Engineering (CCE) richt zich met het modulaire ERP-pakket LISA al zowat 30 jaar op de voedingsindustrie en telt vandaag zowat 170 geïmplementeerde klanten. Het familiebedrijf uit Oosterzele configureert de software en…
Blog cybersecurity
Fine-tune your cybersecurity by 2025 In 2025, a new European law concerning cybersecurity will come into force. More specifically, this means that your company will need to show that it does not present…
Klantverantwoordelijke bedankt
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Start-up G. Van Landschoot & Zonen
Gerard Van Landschoot & Zonen - Adegem Teamwork makes the LISA dream work Gerard Van Landschoot & Zonen was recently started up in phases with the LISA modules Financial, Purchasing, Sales, Stock and…
LISA ERP, the reliable partner in the food sector
In order to guarantee the growth of your company and be able to implement the necessary innovations and efficiencies to secure the future, a fully integrated ERP software system is a must. LISA…
Advantages of an ERP software
In today's rapidly changing business landscape, companies need to remain agile and flexible to make room for growth. The food sector in particular is highly competitive, with companies innovating and optimizing their…
Nieuw logo Alfa Informatic
Al meer dan 30 jaar helpen wij bedrijven bij het verbeteren, digitaliseren, automatiseren van hun bedrijfsprocessen.
BattleKart Kortrijk - Beyond Reality
Last Friday, we visited the long-awaited Kortrijk Xpo with a large delegation of players and some fans. This time, it wasn’t for a Meat Expo or Intrafood Conference, but for BattleKarting!!!
LISA 22.0.1 is born!
CCE has launched a new version of LISA. In addition to countless expansions and optimisations within the Financial and ERP software modules – LISA 22.0.1 also contains a completely restyled user interface that…
Summer has begun!
Last month, we welcomed the summer with a cool photo quest in the gorgeous landscape of the Flemish Ardennes, on a pleasantly warm Friday night at Pladutse in Welden. It truly felt like…
Dairy Olympia optimises with LISA
OPTIMISATION WITH LISA Kris Huygh is full of praise for LISA, the ERP package of Claerhout Computer Engineering that was implemented at Olympia. However, the implementation was not without its problems. First corona…
Impressions of the kick-off 2022 @ GC De Kluize
‘Out of office’ due to training Our CCE Kick-off 2022 began with an email management training. Coach Steven Vandenabeele showed us the ropes of efficient email handling. We learned about ‘the 7 rules’…
Anda Sauces implements LISA
Since January, Anda Sauces also works with LISA after an efficient implementation with RF scanning and job screens on the floor and the financial module. LISA now helps improve our support of stock…
Versatile ordering platform
Hygiena, Belgian wholesaler in organic and ecological products, was ready for a B2B web shop to serve their growing customer base quickly and easily. To achieve this order platform, they joined forces with…
Fribona – “In its standard form, LISA offered all the functionality we needed”
LISA AT FRIBONA Fribona specialises in pre-cooked frozen meals. This company is located in Oostkamp. Omer Adriaens founded Fribona in 1960 on the Vrijdagmarkt [Friday Market] in Bruges. He initially started by selling…
Event thank you
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Thank you for your interest in the services of CCE. One of our advisers will call you soon to discuss the possibilities!
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Are you interested in seeing LISA at work? Leave your contact details here. We will call you soon to arrange an appointment!
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Thank you for your job application! Fine that you have applied for a job at CCE. We will study your motivation carefully and contact you within 2 weeks!
Apply spontaneously
Spontaan solliciteren Werken bij CCE … sta jij al te popelen, maar is er momenteel geen vacature die bij je past? Waag gerust je kans om ons te tonen wat jij in je…
CCE: a team of experts Claerhout Computer Engineering, or CCE for short, has been operating in IT for more than 30 years now. Over the years, our activities have included working on our…
LISA, entirely at your pace Thanks to its enormous extensibility, LISA provides added value within any company. There are very specific links for e.g. slaughterhouses, but we also offer general tools that facilitate…
Configure your personal ERP system for the food industry The LISA ERP system is for the food industry, but this ERP also has an absolute added value in other sectors. You choose the…
Lisa ERP
Give your business a boost with LISA LISA is not just an ERP package for among others the food sector. Thanks to the full integration of modules for purchase, sales, invoicing, tracking, stock…
Privacy Statement
Confidential processing of personal data Claerhout Computer Engineering attaches the greatest of importance to its users’ privacy. We understand that your trust is our most important capital. This privacy statement (hereinafter referred to…
General terms and conditions
1. APPLICATION - These general terms and conditions apply to all offers from and agreements with Claerhout Computer Engineering NV (hereinafter referred to as CCE) and AlfaInformatic NV (hereinafter referred to as Alfa)…
LISA ERP package for the food sector, slaughterhouses, production companies, distribution companies, etc. LISA was developed entirely by our team, and our own people do the implementation. So we respond quickly and we…
Anda Sauzen
Vandaag staat de derde generatie Vandenwyngaert mee aan het roer bij Anda NV. De noodzaak voor digitalisering werd sterk gevoeld door de jongere leden van de familie. De uitstekende reputatie van CLAERHOUT COMPUTER…
2. Groeien in ICT Als gezonde kmo groeien we sterk, maar realistisch. De algemene tevredenheid en de kwaliteit van de klantenservice blijven absoluut prioritair.
Business consultant
A typical day at the office Als Business Consultant analyseer je de bedrijfsprocessen van je klant en breng je deze nauwkeurig in kaart. Je onderzoekt welke functionaliteiten geconfigureerd dienen te worden om ons…
Visit CCE at Broodway - Meat Expo
Have you added a visit to Broodway - Meat Expo 2021 in Kortrijk to your diary yet? Come and see us at stand 220 in hall 2.Our CCE consultants are happy to bring…
Since day one, CCE has chosen resolutely for Progress Software. We build all our applications to this development standard. Years of experience as a Progress partner make us specialists in this programming language…
CCE in figures
We could tell you an awful lot about why CCE is the best partner for your ERP system, but these figures really speak for themselves.
My Product Manager
External links
Do you want to allow LISA to communicate with an external package? We will be happy to realise it for you! Over the years, we have built up close partnerships with renowned experts…
LISA Financial
Integrated accounting module for your ERP system User-friendly, fast, clear... these are just a few of the many assets of LISA Financial. When you integrate this financial module into your LISA ERP system…
Customer Care
We can take over your PC screen via the TeamViewer programme.For this, you must first download TeamViewer onto your PC via the button below.You will receive a window with an ID and password…
Onze klanten
Intensieve gebruikers Bij CCE werk je voor zowel KMO’s als middelgrote ondernemingen in verschillende sectoren. Maak deel uit van ons team van een 50-tal medewerkers die elke dag paraat staat voor meer dan…
Support services
Helpdesk staffed by experienced IT professionals For all LISA FIN questions, LISA ERP questions, EDI questions, and technical questions related to your infrastructure Send an e-mail with your question to one of the…
Extended support
We can provide support outside office hours and during weekends with an Extended Support contract. This contract also allows you to call on the CCE Extended Support Service outside regular office hours (by…
Meet CCE at Intrafood 2021
Generix Group
Dairy Olympia
OPTIMISATION WITH LISA “Managing without data is impossible!” Kris Huygh is full of praise for LISA, the ERP package of Claerhout Computer Engineering that was implemented at Olympia. However, the implementation was not…
HPE Business Partner
Solution Provider – Business PartnerExperience in highly diverse and complex environmentsHighly certified specialists think along with youManaged services to relieve you of all your worries and maximize uptime
SME portfolio
The SME portfolio is a subsidy measure aimed at freelancers, the liberal professions, and small and medium-sized enterprises. It provides subsidies, which can be used to pay for services that promote entrepreneurship…
Want to guarantee the continuity of all your LISA processes? Then good system administration is essential. Alfa Informatic – CCE's sister company – offers stable and efficient IT infrastructure in combination with excellent…
Business consultant copy
A typical day at the office Als Business Consultant analyseer je de bedrijfsprocessen van je klant en breng je deze nauwkeurig in kaart. Je onderzoekt welke functionaliteiten geconfigureerd dienen te worden om ons…
The inspiring story of an innovative family business In the year 1989... Geert Claerhout founded CCE. The first development was a financial package based on Progress technology. The tone was set, and CCE…
LISA Purchase
Transparent purchases thanks to the ERP package with a focus on the food industry Would you like to see your purchase transactions running optimally and efficiently? LISA Purchase is your ideal partner! The…
Hygiëna: Versatile ordering platform
Hygiena, Belgian wholesaler in organic and ecological products, was ready for a B2B web shop to serve their growing customer base quickly and easily. To achieve this order platform, they joined forces with…
HP Amplify Synergy Partner
If you ever need help, advice or support when buying IT products and solutions, our HP Amplify Synergy Partner hardware company, Alfa Informatic, is the right company. They are the most reliable and…
LISA AT FRIBONA – “In its standard form, LISA offered all the functionality we needed” Fribona specialises in pre-cooked frozen meals. This company is located in Oostkamp. Omer Adriaens founded Fribona in 196…
Mission, vision & assets
The Mission of CCE At CCE, we optimise business processes for small and medium-sized companies within the broad food industry based on LISA, a modular, tailored, end-to-end solution. As a reliable partner, we…
LISA Production
Specialised ERP software for production Over the years, we have concentrated on manufacturing companies in various sectors. That extensive knowledge is the basis of our ERP software for production. LISA Production is a…
Business consultant copy copy
A typical day at the office Als Business Consultant analyseer je de bedrijfsprocessen van je klant en breng je deze nauwkeurig in kaart. Je onderzoekt welke functionaliteiten geconfigureerd dienen te worden om ons…
Growth at Meli on the right track thanks to CCE’s LISA ERP Claerhout Computer Engineering enjoys a very good reputation in the food sector. This reputation, some very strong references, and their willingness…
AWT - Van De Putte
BI reporting
Het LISA ERP-systeem laat toe om heel wat informatie uit je databronnen te halen. Zo krijg je een duidelijk overzicht van o.a. de best verkopende producten, fluctuaties in omzetcijfers, evoluties in de boekhoudbalansen…
WatchGuard One Silver Partner
Watchguard is a market leader when it comes to solutions and products at the level of network security, multi-factor authentication, secure Wi-Fi, and Unified Threat Management. WatchGuard is a pioneer in IT security…
Metler Toledo
LISA Sales
Facilitate sales with the LISA ERP software for the food sector LISA Sales takes a permanent place in complete ERP software for the food sector. Thanks to the link with the other modules…
DAS Media
With the Mobility tools within LISA, order pickers in the warehouse or representatives on the move always have the correct data at hand! Moreover, they also have the option of entering data on-the-go…
The simple way to draw up your VAT return? Do it with a standard feature in LISA Financial. Submit your VAT return electronically to Intervat via an XML file. You start the Intervat…
LISA Stock
LISA stock management software as the central theme in production It is an understatement to say that LISA Stock forms a complete stock management software suite. LISA meets the most stringent market requirements…
A team which you can build on The CCE team is our greatest pride. We now have more than 50 passionate colleagues. Each and every one of them competent people who listen to…
Companyweb specialises in company information in Belgium. Their services allow you to understand the risks, the survival rates, the payment capacity, the profitability, the stability and other key factors of every Belgian company…
Beeckman Spices
BUSINESS PROCESSES POWERED BY LISA ERP APPLICATION SUPPORT FURTHER GROWTH AND HUGE TIME SAVINGS AT BEECKMAN/BEXPO It goes without saying that young and old reinforce each other. When Jonas De Vroede started work…
A Document Management System that gets rid of all that red tape Is there an audit coming up? Or does an internal department need certain documents? With the LISA Document Management System, you…
Our commitment rewarded We commit fully every day to finding the best technology solutions for each customer. The attained certificates are the icing on the cake. This is an extra motivation to continue…
Do you want to link your active web shop to LISA? You can do that via our LISA web services. The ERP link with your web shop ensures that the data are exchanged…
Excellent example of customer loyalty – New CEO of Nanuk chooses trusted ERP package Nanuk has a new captain in Paul Sulmon, and this man likes to have a firm hand on the…
Your server is the heart of your business; it is vital to keeping everything running. It is therefore logical that you want the most stable server environment that is reliable and easy to…
VIES on-the-web
Check online VAT numbers of companies and organisations within the EU. Through a secure connection, you can check if the company is registered for the provision of goods and services across internal borders…
Demuynck Christophe Meat wholesaler
FROM CUSTOMISED ERP APPLICATION TO CCE’S “LISA” INCREASED FLEXIBILITY, BETTER FUNCTIONALITY AND MORE USER-FRIENDLY When the torch is handed to the next generation, a new wind often blows through a company. At Vleesgroothandel…
Microsoft develops, distributes, licences and supports a wide variety of computer-related products and services. You can contact CCE for the purchase of all types of MS software products. A selection of what is…
Easily draw up Intrastat, balance of payments and other surveys, such as F01DGS, F03CMS etc. in LISA and upload the XML directly to OneGate!
LISA Product configurator
Product configurator: the key to effective management From the furniture sector to the food industry, the LISA product configurator can save a great deal of time and money in any industry. Product variants…
Subsidies as additional support You can claim a subsidy for certain CCE services. Thanks to our quality services, we qualify for support through: SME portfolioAlimento On these two pages, you can read more…
Imagopack enjoying growth thanks to the LISA ERP application opening up new perspectives Achieving a 25% increase in turnover with the same workforce: this is Imagopack’s target for the next three years. Thanks…
PHI DATA is your reliable partner for all aspects of hardware (label, card or RFID printers, barcode or RFID scanners, mobile computers) and consumables (labels, wristbands, ID cards and tags). We work with…
With our expertise, we are happy to offer you support and set-up of the Keeper software. In short, we provide optimal responsible management of all passwords within your company and of your employees…
LISA Slaughter and cut
Unique production module for slaughterhouses The functionalities of the LISA slaughterhouse module are fully aligned to slaughterhouses and cutting plants. LISA offers plenty of possibilities that can only benefit efficiency!
Graydon is your buddy for (potential) partnerships or deals. The tool gives you a good idea about opportunities and potential risks. After all, transparency strengthens trust between business partners. LISA provides the files…
LISA as the driver of far-reaching optimisation The excellent reputation Claerhout Computer Engineering has built up over the years is not just related to its “LISA” ERP package. The willingness to tailor the…
Protect your digital life with built-in security. Alfa Informatic supports you in switching to a password-free working method.
Alfa Informatic: Uw partner in netwerkoptimalisatieIn de snel evoluerende wereld van informatietechnologie is een robuust en goed geconfigureerd netwerk essentieel voor de goeie werking van uw bedrijf. Alfa Informatic staat garant voor de…
Isabel 6
With Isabel, you can save up to half a day per week of administrative work! The entering and processing of payments, direct debits and bank statements is much easier and faster. No more…
ERP package as an engine for further growth – De Hobbit introduces CCE’S “LISA” Small businesses that grow often face the problem that their IT tools are not able to keep up with…
LISA Truck
Digitalise and automate deliveries with LISA Truck LISA Truck means that drivers no longer need to juggle paper delivery notes when they’re on the road which then have to be scanned in the…
First Software
LISA Financial is linked with First Software by default. Through the smooth cooperation with the competent authorities, this software always complies with the latest legislation. Moreover, First Software continues to innovate in order…
Nauta implements CCE “LISA ERP” – Expectations more than fulfilled. With annual growth averaging more than 10% and an increasing number of references, Nauta Vleeswaren had little choice but to implement an ERP…
Managing and claiming expenses is a piece of cake with the Rydoo app! You get a complete overview to help you adjust your business expenses in the right direction. Create reports per project…
Debra Group
Debra-Group keeps its finger on the pulse with LISA – The real added value of ERP Debra-Group supports all its processes with LISA. CCE’s ERP package not only provides the company with operational…
E-fff for purchase and sales invoices
If you have made invoices with LISA, you can export them to the universal format UBL E-fff. This means that virtually any accounting program can read the invoices. Duplicate entries are history and…
Vondelmolen implements the LISA ERP package – “CCE worked pragmatically with us” Vondelmolen’s corporate culture is comparable to the gingerbread the company has been producing for 150 years: straightforward and no-nonsense. It is…
Freeze & Store
Freeze & Store invests in “LISA” – User-friendliness and functionality are decisive Freeze & Store took its first steps on the ERP journey with a tailor-made application. But to respond to the ever…
Commercial finance
LISA communicates smoothly with financial institutions such as Belfius, BNP Paribas Fortis, ING and KBC.
LISA Workflow
Quickly approve invoices and orders with LISA Workflow Do you need to approve purchase invoices before payment can be made, or has a sales order been placed on hold automatically for security reasons…
Social-accounting services
Acerta, ADMB, Partena Gam, Securex or SD Worx? Link your social-accounting services to LISA Financial for smooth salary entries.
Vander Zijpen
Implementing an ERP package? Take your time. Implementing an ERP package takes time. Especially if you want to activate all the functionality at the same time. Doing business with an ERP supplier who…
Accon Annual Accounts is one of the default links within LISA Financial. This program helps you fill in the annual accounts, check and deposit them. You can automatically transfer figures from LISA Financial…
Van Remoortel
Van Remoortel implements ‘LISA’ - Step by step to let everyone get used to it Not running before you can walk is the red thread through the policy of Van Remoortel/Remo Frit/Remo Fresh…
Looking for integrated automation - De Kimpe-Cool/Kimco chooses CCE A growing number of supermarkets work with EDI. And once you have to meet this requirement, an ERP package is indispensable. So it was…
CODA – COded DAily statement – keeps track of all current account, savings account or deposit account transactions. The CODA format (or European CAMT format) is used by all Belgian banks and allows…
Boerinneke Marino
Boerinneke-Marino introduces ‘LISA’ from CCE - Simplicity is a virtue... Running a food company without an ERP package has become virtually impossible today. The only thing is that introducing such a solution does…
Culinor and Hot Cuisine a perfect match! - The choice falls on ‘LISA’ as collective ERP system In acquisitions, it is often decided to implement the buyer’s ERP package in both companies. When…
MPS Marel
Allgro automates its business - They choose ‘Lisa’ by CCE With a few thousand references made fresh each day and delivered with the company’s own lorries, it was very difficult to lead the…
'LISA' evolves along with Colac - Problem-free growth thanks to an investment in complete functionality According to Geert Vermeersch, investing in ERP is a token of business sense. After all, the ‘heart’ of…
PTV Group
Aldi ATC
Corma testifies When we visited Corma in 2004, the producer of the famous dried ‘Ganda’ hams had just implemented the traceability, production and inventory management modules of the ‘LISA’ ERP package. A lot…
Qlik Sense
Qlik is een wereldwijde aanbieder van visual analytics software. Met Qlik Sense voorziet het gebruikers in de groeiende behoefte aan rapportage en visuele self-service analyses die betekenis geven aan informatie vanuit verschillende bronnen…
A successful partnership - Ten years of ‘LISA’ at Delino Interaction with the customer is central at Claerhout Computer Engineering. All user input is analysed carefully and, if usable, incorporated in the ‘LISA’…
Power BI
ERP is een gouden bron van data. Maar hoe maak je van al die data een strategisch voordeel? Het is van essentieel belang om snel en accuraat inzicht te hebben in de processen…
Apple Reseller
Een assortiment van meer dan negenhonderd referenties, drie fabrieken en een productie die quasi uitsluitend op dagelijkse orders werkt: dat is de complexe realiteit bij bakkerijgroep Roelandt. Vandaar dat de bestuurders onlangs besloten…
Centre for cybersecurity Belgium
Bright Analytics
BrightAnalytics centralizes all financial and operational data in one single platform, and allows you to endlessly combine these numbers to produce the most inclusive insights. The data from Lisa is transformed into clear…
ERP: first a curse, then a blessing - Vlevy swaps customisation for ‘LISA’ by CCE Vlevy was one of the pioneers in Belgium regarding the automation of production planning. Yet the first implementation…
Barco ClickShare
Kipco Damaco
Kipco-Damaco introduces ERP solution – choosing “LISA” from Claerhout Computer Engineering (CCE) In order to comply with the Royal Decree on notification obligation, self-checking and traceability, many food companies are currently implementing an…
Loma Systems
Loma Systems
Furniture manufacturer Meubar implements ERP solution and links it to a barcode scanning system Selling young people affordable furniture, this is the basic principle of the West Flemish furniture manufacturer, Meubar. A unobvious…