A Document Management System that gets rid of all that red tape
Is there an audit coming up? Or does an internal department need certain documents? With the LISA Document Management System, you collect them in no time! From procedures to contracts and delivery notes to invoices... with LISA DMS you retrieve documents quickly, across different departments.
The Document Management System saves you lots of time. For example, if you are looking for an invoice, you will also find the associated delivery notes and order forms. Still add another document? That is very simple. Bye bye, red tape!
Process invoices very quickly
The LISA Document Management System also assists you in processing invoices. You can easily scan paper invoices, and digital invoices are read in and processed immediately. If you have predefined the invoice header, it is automatically linked to the right supplier in LISA Financial. This is done via Optical Character Recognition and an external interface with partners such as Recomatics, Arco, DIAS, Scansys, Breex, etc.
Have invoices approved for payment? You can define a flow of approvers per supplier or supplier group. All approvers receive automatic alerts in their mailbox for the invoices that are to be checked. Moreover, they do not have to be a LISA user and they can visualise and approve the invoices through a web app. Isn't that convenient?