Bitdefender, the global leader in cybersecurity, monitors millions of consumer, business and government environments and is the industry’s trusted expert for eliminating threats, protecting privacy and data, and building cyber resilience.

With deep investments in research and development, Bitdefender Labs discovers new threats every minute and validates billions of threat searches every day.

Alfa Informatic and Bitdefender provide a secure environment:

  • Bitdefender GravityZone ranked #1 in independent security tests
  • Risk Analytics, Hardening, Next Gen AV, and EDR managed from one console
  • Seasoned machine learning developed over more than 10 years, advanced heuristics, advanced anti-exploit and other proprietary techniques to protect endpoints
  • Proactive hardening and risk analytics to limit the attack surface
  • Complete cybersecurity suite, not just antivirus
  • Monthly subscription available, or per 4 or 6 months if desired