BattleKarting, let the games begin!
Last Friday, we visited the long-awaited Kortrijk Xpo with a large delegation of players and some fans. This time, it wasn’t for a Meat Expo or Intrafood Conference, but for BattleKarting!!!
White electric karts set the scene for a life-sized video game to play against each other and fight for a spot on the podium and eternal glory.
Let the battles begins! Let’s play!
Launching a rocket, leaving an oil stain, protecting yourself from colleagues with a shield during the Battle Race. Followed by a game of football, keeping the two balls out of our goal and getting them into our opponents’ goal required quite a bit of teamwork. What created strategic chaos for one team provided opportunities for the other. 😊 There were more games like that. A FUN experience!
After all that fun, bellies were rumbling. There and then, we buried the hatchet over some delicious fries and a hearty burger. A great conclusion to the work week, and an even better start to the weekend. The atmosphere was GREAT!