Blog electronic invoicing

Is mandatory electronic invoicing around the corner for you? Leave it to LISA to handle!

Companies that work for the Flemish Government already need to invoice all of their services electronically. This requirement is likely to also apply in the near future to the Federal Government and all companies in the B2B sector. Fortunately, LISA is your perfect companion for electronic invoicing!


Legal framework

The European Union is working on a legislative bill to make it mandatory for all companies to send their B2B invoices electronically by 2028. This initiative is part of the “VAT in the Digital Age” (ViDA) project.

The Belgian government is also working on an action plan. On a proposal from the Minister of Finance Vincent Van Peteghem, the Federal Council of Ministers has approved a preliminary draft of the law making electronic invoicing between companies mandatory as from 1 January 2026.


Electronic invoicing with LISA

When electronic invoicing eventually comes into force, using LISA as your ERP system will stand you in good stead. UBL will be the standard protocol for electronic invoicing. We have intentionally chosen the UBL 2.1 invoice format that is supported by the European Union.

EDI or not?

If you send or receive invoices using EDI, then by definition you are already working electronically. In LISA, this is done using the UBL 2.1 standard which means that you will be able to keep invoicing in exactly the same way as you currently do.

There are two options for invoices that are not sent or received via EDI:

    • Non-EDI sales invoices: do you send invoices as a PDF attachment in an email? In the latest version of our ERP system, LISA 24, you will be able to email your invoices as an XML file in UBL 2.1 format. We are working on an update to make this available in older versions of LISA.
    • Non-EDI purchase invoices: you can read electronic purchase invoices into LISA using the connection to a variety of OCR partners such as Billit.

Ready for electronic invoicing with LISA

As you can see, when electronic invoicing becomes mandatory, you will be all ready with LISA. Would you like to get started today or do you have customers who require an electronic invoice? Contact your customer representative to start the upgrade process. Make your version of LISA future-proof!

You can find more information about electronic invoicing in Belgium here.